The craps table is beyond doubt one of the most intimidating presences in a casino, be that an online or a regular brick and mortar one. The intricate scheme on the felt, the multitude of available bets, all the weird rules concerning players and casino staff are well enough to discourage a rookie from ever breaking the ice, and participating in a game. You might be one of the rookies yourself, and in that case you might want to know that you should indeed play craps, despite its being so puzzling. Why? Simple. Craps feature some of the lowest house-edge games in any live or online casino. Learning basic craps shouldn’t be much of a daunting challenge either.
One of the simplest bets you can make is the Pass Line one. Don’t worry, you won’t be sneered at: everyone makes these bets all the time. Here’s how it goes: be on the lookout for the come-out roll as that’s when you have to place your Pass Line bet. The way to tell that there’s actually a come-out roll happening is to check for the black marker on the table that says “Off”. Placing a pass-line bet is possible after the come-out roll too, but for strategic reasons you should avoid doing it. If the come-out roll happens to be 7 or 11 you win (1 to 1), if it turns out 12, 3 or 2 you lose your wager, if it comes out a different sum, then that respective sum will be assigned the point. The marker that read “Off” to indicate the come-out roll, is turned over, set to “on” and placed on the sum which is the point, so that players should remember it.
The point of the game from here on is for the shooter to hit either 7 or the point. The round concludes when he hits one of those numbers. If he hits the point, you win 1-1, if he hits a 7 first, it’s bad news. There is an average house-edge of about 1.41% on this bet, which is exactly the reason why you should play craps.
As you begin to gain a better understanding of game mechanics, you should venture deeper and deeper in search of an even lower house edge. The Don’t Pass bet is one such more advanced move. The house edge on this one – taking the pushes into account – is 1.36%. It’s almost the opposite of the Pass Line bet presented above. Place your wager on the come-out roll. If a 2 or a 3 is rolled you win, if the result is 7 or 11, you lose. A 12 is a push, and that’s where additional value trickles into the equation. If the shooter hits a 7 before the point you win, (most likely when every else loses) and if the point comes out first, you lose.
Betting on the odds is an almost 0% house edge affair. To bet on the Odds means to place an additional bet on whether it’s the 7 or the point that comes up first. You win if it’s the point and you lose if it’s the seven. In case of a win though, you get more than even money on your wager.
Depending on how much you decide to wager on the odds, (from 1X all the way up to 100X) the house edge you’ll be met with will be in the range of 0.84%-0.021% which is great. The more you wager, the smaller the house edge tends to get, although some casinos will impose strict limits on how much you’re allowed to bet.
If you decide to lay the odds instead of taking them, you’ll be betting on the exact opposite of what I just described above. If a 7 comes up before the point, you win, if the point comes up first, you lose.
Other bets that you can make in craps are: the Come, the Place bets, Buy Bets, the Put bets and the Proposition bets. I’m not even going to try to cover them all in this article as there are far too many considerations to address.
The Come is also a 1.41% house edge bet, and it’s just like the Pass Line one, only it can be made anytime, not only on come-out bets. You’ll also be allowed to bet on the odds in this instance too.

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